Pentax 645N Review: Medium Format Film Camera & User Guide

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Key takeaways

  • The Pentax 645N is a medium format film camera that is recognized for its autofocus feature and easy transportability.

  • It provides a good balance between image quality and user-friendliness, making it a good option for both beginners and experienced photographers.

  • Notable features of this camera include different metering and focus modes, exposure lock, and film edge data imprinting.

  • The ergonomic design and comfortable grip make for a great shooting experience.

  • Despite being a film camera, the 645N continues to be relevant and competitive in today’s photography industry.

Quick Look: Pentax 645N

Launched in 1997, the Pentax 645N was a major improvement over its predecessor. It made medium format photography more accessible by including autofocus and various automatic exposure modes, features previously found mainly in 35mm cameras. It also provides a generous 16 shots per 120 film roll, striking a balance between cost and creativity.

What you can expect from the Pentax 645N includes:

  • Autofocus system for easy, sharp image capture.

  • Customizable exposure modes for artistic control.

  • Ergonomic design for comfortable handling.

  • Compatibility with a variety of high-quality lenses.

  • Timeless medium format image quality.

What Makes the 645 Medium Format Special?

Before we get into the details of the Pentax 645N, let’s first understand why the 645 medium format is unique. It’s larger than 35mm film but not as large as 6×7 or 6×9 formats, which makes it a perfect balance for many photographers. This size results in higher resolution and more detail, significantly improving print quality and depth of field control. With the 645N, you’re not just taking pictures; you’re creating potential works of art.

Main Benefits

Autofocus: A Revolutionary Feature in Medium Format

The autofocus feature of the Pentax 645N is one of its most impressive characteristics. When it was first released, autofocus was not common in medium format cameras, and the 645N was one of the first to include this feature. This allows you to concentrate on composition and timing instead of adjusting manual focusing rings, which is particularly useful in dynamic shooting situations.

Quality and Portability: The 645N Hybrid

The Pentax 645N combines the high-quality images of medium format with the portability of smaller cameras. It’s designed to be taken on the road, to the studio, or out in nature. The camera’s intuitive layout and robust build quality mean you can rely on it in various shooting environments. It’s this hybrid nature that makes the 645N not just a camera, but a trusted companion for your photographic journeys.

Metering and Exposure:

The Pentax 645N provides an array of metering options. Matrix metering evaluates the entire scene to give a balanced exposure, while center-weighted metering gives priority to the central area of the frame. Spot metering allows for precise control by metering a small area, which is ideal for challenging lighting conditions. These options ensure that whether you’re shooting in bright sunlight or under the canopy of a forest, you have the tools to capture the scene accurately.

Additionally, the camera’s exposure compensation feature allows you to swiftly change the exposure value to match your artistic vision. Plus, the exposure lock feature guarantees that the exposure remains consistent across several frames.

Usability and Comfort:

The moment you pick up the Pentax 645N, you’ll notice how it seems to have been crafted specifically for your hand. The grip is robust and firm, ensuring your comfort even during extended periods of use. The controls are conveniently positioned, allowing for instinctive operation without the need to look away from your subject. These design elements make the 645N more than just an instrument, but a physical manifestation of the photographer’s vision.

Flexibility of Film Formats:

The 645N is a medium format camera that provides flexibility in film choice. It allows you to shoot both 120 and 220 roll films, giving you the option to choose between more frames or higher resolution. This flexibility is a boon for photographers who like to experiment or who need to adapt to different project requirements.

Modern Amenities for the Contemporary Photographer

The Pentax 645N is equipped with amenities that make it user-friendly for photographers who are used to the conveniences of contemporary cameras:

  • Flexibility in achieving the perfect exposure is provided by matrix, center-weighted, and spot metering options.

  • Quick adjustments on the fly are possible with easily accessible exposure compensation and exposure lock.

  • The data imprinting feature can record exposure information on the film’s edge, which is useful for archiving and learning purposes.

Additional Applications

Shooting Landscapes:

Nature’s beauty demands a camera that can do it justice. The 645N’s larger film area allows it to capture breathtaking landscape photos with amazing detail and dynamic range. When you’re shooting a wide-open scene, the difference in image quality is immediately noticeable. The colors are more vibrant, the details are crisper, and the overall effect is more striking.

Street Photography: Breaking the Mold with the 645N

Normally, street photography is done with smaller, less noticeable cameras. But the 645N doesn’t fit that mold. Its autofocus and metering systems make it possible to shoot quickly and reactively. And while it’s bigger than your typical 35mm camera, the quality of the images it produces and the unique viewpoint it offers can make your street scenes more interesting and engaging.


The Pentax 645N is a great camera, but it does have its downsides. You should take these into account before you decide to buy this camera, as they could influence your photography style or the things you want to photograph.

Things to Think About Before Buying the 645N

The first thing you should consider is the size of the camera. Even though it’s portable for a medium format, it’s still bigger than smaller film or digital cameras. You should also think about how easy it is to find accessories and lenses, because there aren’t as many available as there are for more modern digital systems.

One more thing to keep in mind is the learning process. The 645N is designed to be user-friendly, but you still need to know the fundamentals of film photography, like exposure, focus, and composition. If you’re used to digital and are switching over, there will be a period of adjustment as you get used to not having the immediate feedback that comes naturally with film.

Low Light Limitations: Considering the Drawbacks

Another aspect to consider is the 645N’s performance in low light. Despite having a decent metering system, the slower autofocus in dim conditions and the grainier nature of higher ISO films can pose limitations. If you often shoot in low light, you’ll need to make some adjustments, such as using a tripod or opting for faster lenses.

Is the 645N Too Noisy?

If you’re used to the almost silent operation of today’s digital cameras, the shutter and film advance of the 645N might seem noisy. This could be a problem in quiet settings. It’s a minor drawback considering what the camera can do, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re going to be shooting in situations where you need to be unobtrusive.

Sample Photos

Why Choose the 645 Format?

Many photographers consider the 645N’s format to be the ‘sweet spot’ in film photography. Why? Because it provides 16 shots per roll of 120 film. This means it strikes a balance between the number of exposures you get and the quality of each shot. This equilibrium makes the 645 format a smart choice for photographers who want the best of both worlds.

Why is the 645 format a better choice than others? It’s quite simple. For budding photographers who want to explore medium format without the weight and complexity of larger systems, the 645 is the perfect balance. The 645N, especially, offers a combination of portability, image quality, and user-friendliness that is unbeatable. It’s the ideal intermediate step for those who want to move from 35mm to medium format.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering making the jump into medium format film photography, the Pentax 645N could be the perfect fit for you. Its combination of features, image quality, and user-friendliness make it an appealing choice for beginners and professionals alike. However, keep in mind that investing in a film camera like the 645N also means committing to the process and artistry of photography. If you fully embrace this, you’ll find a deeply satisfying and meaningful way to document the world around you.

My Experience with the 645N: Final Thoughts

Throughout the years, my Pentax 645N has been more than just a camera; it’s been a gateway to new viewpoints and a driving force behind my development as a photographer. The pictures I’ve taken with it have a timeless quality that digital hasn’t been able to duplicate. It’s a camera that tests you, rewards you, and most importantly, motivates you. And isn’t that the essence of photography?

Common Questions

The 645N can be used with a variety of top-notch Pentax lenses, which are lauded for their crispness and clarity. The SMC Pentax-FA 645 75mm f/2.8 is a favorite for portrait photography, while the SMC Pentax-A 645 35mm f/3.5 is preferred for landscape shots.

If you’re looking for a portrait lens with a wider aperture, the SMC Pentax-FA 645 150mm f/2.8 IF will give you a beautiful bokeh effect. On the other hand, the SMC Pentax-FA 645 120mm f/4 Macro is perfect for close-up and detail shots.

Where Can I Buy a Pentax 645N?

The Pentax 645N can be found in specialized camera shops, on online platforms like eBay, or amazon and in photography forums and communities. Prices can differ based on the condition and accessories, so it’s worth looking around to find the best deal that suits your needs.

  • Hashem McAdam

    Spawning from a long time interest in media, I embarked upon leaving full-time work and taking up photography in 2013 and started exaframe as my freelance business. Having been actively shooting for many years and constantly looking for ways to learn and grow in the field, I have a passion for all things creative.

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